Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Colonial America Quiz

For today's post, I thought I would offer my blog readers a short quiz about Colonial America. Answers will appear at the bootom of the quiz.

1. How long was the Stamp Act in force?

A) One month
B) One year
C) Two years
D) it was never in force

2. The Georgia colony was founded by which proprietor?

A) Roger Williams
B) William Penn
C) James Oglethorpe
D) William Berkeley

3. The first successful British settlement in North America at Jamestown was under the direction of which company?

A) The London Virginia Company
B) The Plymouth Company
C) The Jamestown Company
D) The Roanoke Company

4. Which colony was a haven for Catholics?

A) Rhode Island
B) North Carolina
C) Massachusetts
D) Maryland

5. The Seven Years War was better known in America as what?

A) King Philip's War
B) The Yamassee War
C) The French & Indian War
D) The Piquot War

6. When did Salem conduct its famous witch trials?

A) 1709
B) 1692
C) 1676
D) 1715

7. What does the name Pocahontas mean?

A) Little wanton
B) Free as a bird
C) Angel from above
D) Terror in the night

8. Queen Anne's War was fought during which years?

A) 1689-1697
B) 1744-1748
C) 1718-1725
D) 1702-1714

9. New Amsterdam eventually became which American city?

A) Hartford, CT
B) Providence, RI
C) New York, NY
D) Boston, MA

10. Charleston, South Carolina was founded in what year?

A) 1645
B) 1680
C) 1701
D) 1667

1. B, 2. C, 3. A, 4. D, 5. C, 6. B, 7. A, 8. D, 9. C, 10. B

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