Friday, October 31, 2008

Archealogical Discovery in Israel

Yesterday, CNN reported that archeaologists from Hebrew University of Jerusalem discovered a Hebrew text dating back to the Old Testament. The text is inscribed on a shard of pottery which carbon dates to the 10th century b.c.e. (before common era - preferred by many scholars, specifically non-Christian scholars, over the Christianized b.c. meaning before Christ). The 10th century b.c.e would be about 3,000 years ago, making this find 1,000 years older than the Dead Sea Scrolls.

The text has yet to be deciphered but contain Hebrew root words of "judge", "slave", and "king", indicating that the pottery may have served as a legal document. Although I am not a biblical or Middle Eastern historian, I find this discovery interesting. I believe we have much to learn from this excavation and I am anxious to see what else the Hebrew University archealogists find at this site.

The complete story can be found at the following link:

I am interested in hearing your thoughts, both academic and non, on this amazing discovery.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Welcome Message

Welcome to the All Things History Blog.

I created this blog to share my thoughts and ideas about history and engage in constructive discussions about various historical topics and aspects of history. I hope to post a different discussion each week, but may, as time allows, post more often.

Although, my interests and research focus is the maritime culture of colonial and revolutionary America and the early republic, this blog will not limit itself to that focus. Instead, I hope to provide a wide range of discussion topics including both American and world history. Posts will include topical questions, historical analysis, book reviews and research papers. My goal with this blog is to generate interest in history among non-historians and garner peer review of topics that impact our society.

I hope that you will find this blog informative and engaging, and I look forward to everyone's comments and discussions.

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